Thursday, October 16, 2008

Autumn in Poland - Ala Niczyporuk (class 2i)

Autumn in Poland is beautiful and unpredictable.
The sun sometimes shines but sometimes it rains .
Multicoloured leaves fall from trees and float in mountain wind.
These leaves fall on the ground then and create beautiful mosaics.
Animals already have started preparing hideouts for winter.
In park and forest you can see many animals, for example squirrels, hedgehogs, mice...
In forest you can also find many kinds of mushrooms. People pick them up and cook appetising dishes at home.
I like autumn for many reasons but I miss some birds which flew away to warm countries.

Text and photos by Ala Niczyporuk from class 2i (Lublin, Poland), age 14

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very nice photos ;o I'm very impressed