Christmas in Germany
In Germany at the 24th December is Christmas. The last four Sundays before Christmas are called “Advent”. You can buy an “Adventskalender”. This is a calender from the 1st to the 24th December and everyday you can take chocolate from it. In Germany there are also Christmas markets where you can buy some candies, “Schmalzgebäck” or “Glühwein”. At Christmas everyone gives his friends and family presents, which you have to put under the Christmas tree. A Christmas tree is a green tree which has to be decorated with Santa Claus figures and Christmas balls. Santa Claus will put presents under the Christmas tree at the 24th December. When you have been a good one you get many presents and when you haven’t been a good one you don’t get many presents. After that many people go in restaurants and eat turkey or chicken with friends and their family.
Angelo Cunsolo Klasse:9a
Angelo Cunsolo Klasse:9a
Christmas in Germany is beautiful!!!;)
In your counry Christmas are very similar to Poland
In Poland Christmas are very beautiful :]
In Christmas are very special mood :]
Christmas is special time. Happy Christmas!!!!!!!
Christmas in Germany is interesting and beautifull
Happy Christmas !
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