Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas in Germany - Erik Holze and Norman Quandt, 9a

I am from a little farming community in the middle of Germany. Here is in every city a Christmas market with large Christmas trees. The Christmas market opens at the 1st Advent. Every family has a Christmas tree in their house or apartment. The people in Germany decorate their home and their Christmas trees. On 24th December in Germany the people eat turkey, duck, chicken and rabbit in the evening. On the first and second Christmas Day the people in Germany like to have parties and eat in restaurants. On 24th December, on Christmas Eve, all people get their presents and are happy in the evening. The Christmas tree is put up one to three days before Christmas.The people in Germany decorate the Christmas tree with angels, Christmas balls and Santa Claus figures. They drink mulled wine and a lot of punsh with their family.
Erik Holze and Norman Quandt Klasse: 9a


Anonymous said...

We lovee Christmas Time !! :]
Happy Christmas :]

Anonymous said...

I love Christmas.
This is beautiful work.
Happy christmas. :)